Tertiary Education

"That ICPA (Aust) continues to lobby the Minister for Education to amend the timing of payments of the Tertiary Access Payment (TAP)."


A very remote student in our branch relocated 1,800km to commence studying a full-time nursing degree in Toowoomba Queensland. The student applied for TAP in January and was advised that her claim would be finalised within a week of the Universities census date, approximately 21st March or Week 6 of her course. The TAP Program Guidelines 2022-2024 say that the TAP first instalment for outer regional, remote and very remote (or single instalment for inner regional applicants) is “to be paid 42 days (six weeks) after the qualifying tertiary course commencement date, after
your enrolment is confirmed
• the final decision to approve the instalment is made.”

As of 6 May, which was 12 weeks after commencing her course, her application still had not been processed. If the Assistance for Isolated Children Distance Education Allowance and Boarding Allowance can be paid to isolated families, the week prior to the commencement of school term, why can’t the Tertiary Access Payment be paid to students once they have accepted their University offer? On the Services Australia website it says the TAP is “A payment to help students with the cost of moving from regional or remote areas for tertiary study. The Tertiary Access Payment (TAP) is a one-off payment of up to $5,000. It’s to help eligible students with the cost of moving to study.”